Home > Artworks > Fran Jiménez (Âli Qasim) Jiménez

Photo of Fran Jiménez (Âli Qasim) Jiménez Spain

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About me.

Grenade was born in May 11, 1969, with all the wrapping of romance, mysticism, sensitivity and history involved in this beautiful city and that influenced my being with intensity, from my early years.

This attraction to communicate the beauty, whether with objects or images in two dimensions, continually makes me look handmade and artistic disciplines, to find a place to feel comfortable and...

Exhibitions carried out

  • 2013, Sala Ibn Al- Jatib en el pabellón Al-Andalus y la ciencia en el Parque de las ciencias de Granada. Exposición-homenaje "Pepe Lomas: El maestro y sus discípulos"; promocionada por "La más elegante del invernadero", en su IV edición.
  • 2012, Sala de exposiciones Centro cultural Gran Capitan del Ayuntamiento de Granada. Exposición colectiva \"Agua y Luz\"  
  • 2011, Sala de exposiciones Centro cultural Gran Capitan del Ayuntamiento de Granada. Exposición colectiva \"El Agua de Granada\"
  • 2006, Museo Casa de los Tiros, Granada. Exposición de Javier Munilla \"El corazón mande-a\". Colabora en una obra pictórica modular colectiva con varios artistas.
  • 2006, Estación-4, Bubión(Granada). Exposición individual,\"Paisajes Vestidos de Sol\"
  • 2005, Galería de Arte\"De la Cueva\", Granada. Exposición de grabadores, homenaje a Pepe Lomas.
  • 2003, Galería de Arte\"De la Cueva\", Granada. Exposición de pintores almerienses y granadinos.
  • 1999, Escuela de artes y oficios de Granada. Colabora en el diseño y dirige la encuadernación del libro de artista seriado de la revista \"Container\" del departamento de actividades culturales de dicha escuela.
  • 1998, Sala de exposiciones El Buén Gobierno, Granada. Exposición colectiva \"TRI.Ángulos\".
  • 1998, Sala de exposiciones El Buén Gobierno, Granada. Exposición de pinturas \"Auroras\".
  • 1997, Escuela de Artes y Oficios de Granada. Exposión Colectiva de Grabado\"Impresiones\".
  • 1995, Galería Kálamo de Castril, Granada. Exposición de pintiras y dibujos con Elias José López,\"La armonía del Contraste\"
  • 1993, Escuela de Artes y Oficios de Granada. Exposició colectiva de grabado,\"Grabado\".

Awards received

  • 2011, 2º Premio Fundación Aguagranada \"Agua y Luz\", Granada.
  • 1989, -2º premio, Certamen sobre ilustración, promovido por cómic El Cairo(Norma editorial)
  • 1988, Accésit, Certamen sobre ilustración, promovido por cómic El Cairo(Norma Editorial)
  • 1987, 2º premio, VI Concurso nacional de historieta, Norma editorial

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10.63 x 16.14 in
31.50 x 25.59 in
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About me.

Grenade was born in May 11, 1969, with all the wrapping of romance, mysticism, sensitivity and history involved in this beautiful city and that influenced my being with intensity, from my early years.

This attraction to communicate the beauty, whether with objects or images in two dimensions, continually makes me look handmade and artistic disciplines, to find a place to feel comfortable and fulfilled.

As a child I was drawn to the world of comics and illustration. In the second half of the 80\\\'s and until the first quarter of 90 of the last century, I participated in several contests and competitions for national edition comic (Rambla, Cimoc, Cairo), winning several awards and honorable mentions and doing work as an amateur , cartoons and illustrations for several magazines graphs.

Since 1990 and for seven years, I worked in a bookbinding craft. It restored books books and folders were made for graphic art design, a trade that brought me greatly to make contact with the artist\\\'s book and order book, go into it, investigate and experiment with these conceptos.También have done some work in this discipline.

Between 1998 and 2002, I get the opportunity to work with ceramics, I work specifically with enamel paint and decorate a kind works of great delicacy and beauty. Precious work to recover traditional processing techniques, used at different times of the Islamic period in the Iberian Peninsula.

Graduated in 1995 at the Escuela de Artes de Granada, a specialty of Engraving and Techniques Stamping (indelible memory of my master recording, Pepe Lomas), with the intention to make the most of my academic studies, I decided, in 2002, in the business of intaglio engraving. Three years later, and parallel to the occupation and that one to her other artistic discipline which gradually created in me a passion. This is painting.

To this day I made these two modes of artistic expression (painting and printmaking), my job. And although my background painting is still very small and not very abundant, I can dare to believe that itself is intense in its artistic and aesthetic communication.

My work.

While painting my taste is wide and open positions to bring my paintings to a particular style, say that now I make use of realism as communication vehicle more identifiable, but without neglecting other influences from nearby streams to it, which combines volume and versatility. Thus ilumimismo is the dominant trend in my work. Also some of my paintings are influenced by the European symbolism, the price ...

The landscape, whether rural, urban, nature or monuments is the main character, almost unique in my work, practically leaving aside the human figure. I am interested in this place full of quiet, absent of peasantry, and that he, like space, is the owner of the instant. tirelessly seeking sites on a day-lit ceiling, where sunlight poured over the vegetation or on the ground or against a wall canvas, then the shadow symbiosis with waiting, and makes one can not exist without the other.

Normally prevails in my work the brush detailed and thorough, dibujística would seem, perhaps inherited from my time dedicated to illustration and cartoon.

I try to be faithful to this \\\"apparent reality\\\" which is given by the light color. Make them green without being green, being red, black, brown ... that white is white thanks to its nuances, or the ocher soil in turn is shrouded in gray, or pink, or yellow ...

I admire a vast number of teachers, especially the landscape, as Caspar David Friedrich, William Turner, national or Perrier Emilio Sanchez, Ricardo Lopez Cabrera, Rafael Latorre, Joaquín Sorolla ... and especially Mariano and Mariano Bertuchi Fortuni, trying grasp features of each.

Spiritually committed to the higher reality and realize that work based on a \\\"re-presentation\\\" of that shown in the creation, would seem to \\\"re-introduce\\\" the apparent, using realistic naturalism as an excuse to talk through my paintings. So, with the intention of making the pure and essential unit\\\'s main goal, I close to the idea of lead (maybe) in the future, in other pictorial languages, which can extinguish my tag-it-hard work of individual-artist-ego, to become a mere conduit between the true Creator and the \\\"re-presentation\\\" of creation (not by me).

My purpose is to activate a response an emotional response, if any supramental necersariamente not given by the image re-presented, but by the envelope telluric, beauty and emotional sensations that shot at the time and place (time-space) and attempt to capture in my paintings, seemingly hieratic, detained, if anything photographic, but, for those who observe with sensitivity and deep feeling of openness, without even an art expert, you will discover that instant active and vital, almost mystical and mythic that gives the place and time, if you know it.

Diplomas and courses.

-1995, Graduate School of Arts and Crafts in Granada (Spain), a specialty of Engraving and Printing techniques.

-2004, Participates in the first conference on printmaking and stamping co-organized by the Department of Education of Granada (Center staff).

-2004, Participates in the IX Meeting of Creators of Graphic work, organized at the Centro Andaluz de Arte Serial (Department of Culture of the City Hall of Alcala la Real, Jaén), provided by Ricardo Mojardín.


-2 º prize, VI National Cartoon Competition, Editorial Norma, 1987.

-Second Prize, Certamen on illustration sponsored by comic Cairo (Norma Editorial), 1988.

-2 º prize contest on illustration, comics promoted by Cairo (Standard Publishing), 1989.


-1993, School of Arts and Crafts in Granada. Collective Exhibition \\\"Engraving,\\\" Print. \\\"

-1995, Kalam Castril Gallery, Granada. Exhibition of drawings pintiras and Elias José López, \\\"The harmony of contrast.\\\"

-1997 School of Arts and Crafts in Granada. Recorded EXHIBITIONS Collective Impressions.

-1998, Exhibition Hall The Good Government, Granada. Exhibition \\\"TRI.Ángulos.\\\"

-1999, Arts and crafts school in Granada. Helps design and directs the binding of the artist\\\'s book serialized in the magazine \\\"Container\\\" the cultural activities department of the school.

-2003, Art Gallery \\\"De la Cueva,\\\" Granada. Exhibition of painters Almeria and Granada.

-2005, Art Gallery \\\"De la Cueva,\\\" Granada. Exhibition of recorders, a tribute to Peter Lomas.

-2006, Museo Casa de los Tiros, Granada. Javier Munilla Exhibition \\\"send-a heart.\\\" Collaborating on a collective modular paintings with various artists.

-2006, Season-4, Bubión (Granada). Solo exhibition, \\\"Landscapes Dresses Sol (Morocco / Alpujarras).

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